Sunday, January 27, 2008

'man yue'

happy full month emma!

we celebrated emma's 'man yue' yesterday - no, we didnt have that small gathering with friends in the end (cos some couldnt make it) so we went out for a meal instead. had a lovely italian dinner at donnini's in lygon st (with her 3rd uncle too who happened to be in town for a biz trip). i cant believe how quickly time has flown... emma has proven to be a really intelligent girl even at just 1 mth of age and i cant wait to get to know her better!

it's really coincidental that yesterday was australia day too. just in case i havent mentioned, emma is a true-blue aussie girl - made and born here ;) she's the first australian citizen in the Han family! cant wait to apply for her aussie passport :D

anyway we introduced the pacifier to emma couple of days back as we couldnt stand the constant waking/whining in the nights. i thought that would be our salvation, but who knew!? it seems she cant stand the pacifier! whenever i put it into her mouth, her face scrunches up even more n she seems really upset that there's this foreign thing in her mouth. so instead of pacifying her, it makes her even more irritable... so how?! i think i'll try for another few days and see how it goes. n i was so confident that the pacifier would be THE solution to a good nite's sleep for us :| see? never be too complacent. i've learned my lesson...

another thing about emma. u know how they say when babies are hungry they'll cry for milk? this girl NEVER cries when she's hungry- she grunts! i dont know how else to describe the sound she makes, but when she grunts, i'll know she's hungry and i'll just pick her up to feed her. took me a while to figure out her 'code' actually but i'm glad i managed to decipher it!

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