Thursday, January 10, 2008

2 weeks

we brought emma to see the maternal and child health nurse this morning for her 2-wk review. has it been 2 wks? somehow time seems to fly by more quickly with this 2nd baby, as compared to when i had ethan, where i couldnt even tell night from day as it was just neverending!

anyway we're really glad emma has regained her birth weight - she is 3750gm! she's still slightly jaundiced (wonder why it's taking so long to clear) but no cause for concern as the readings are still within the acceptable range. her umbilical cord fell off today too (well i shouldn't say 'fell off' cos it was actually the nurse who yanked it off - she claimed it was dangling by a 'fibre' only - thk god! - so emma didnt flinch when the nurse did that)

overall, emma's more alert these days so it's a gd sign. i'm still waiting for the magic moment to happen when something in her mind goes 'click' and she'll latch on like perfectly and we'll finally have our 'kodak moment', ie like in those breastfeeding brochures where both mom n bub look absolutely contented :|

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