Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2 mth health check

we just got back from the maternal & child health nurse's. glad to report that emma's on track on all fronts!
  • weight = 5.85kg
  • height = 57cm
  • head circumference = 40cm
plotting all these on the chart, she's definitely a healthy baby on the 50th percentile in all aspects (slightly above for the weight tho - heavy bones!). so what if she latches on for only 5 min or drives me nuts with her 6 hr refuse-to-sleep-properly marathon? as long as she's still growing healthily, we have nothing to worry about (except my own sanity lah :P )

i cant believe she's already starting to outgrow some of her rompers. i think she can easily wear one new outfit a day and we still wont have enough time to go thro them all! please stop me from buying any more clothes for her... altho i havent even really been buying much, cos like 90% of her clothes were given to us - can u imagine how much we've saved?!?

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