Tuesday, March 25, 2008

just before she popped :)

and 3 months later today, i still have 13kg to lose before i regain my pre-pregnancy weight*!

well ok to be fair, it wasn't all her fault. ethan was responsible for half of that weight gain when i was expecting him which i never quite got to lose before i became pregs with emma :P

it's gonna be a slow painful process, i can tell...

* notice i did not use the word "figure"... go figure :P

Monday, March 24, 2008

good days and bad

babies really are unpredictable. they can be like perfect textbook babies one day, and the next day all hell breaks loose :P anyway, i've decided not to give myself undue pressure by following the books that say babies should be put on a routine. way too stressful. i'll just see what little emma wants to do, and take it from there. it certainly is a lot easier. as long as she's putting on weight, i think we're good!

Friday, March 21, 2008

more n more...

emma is getting more n more difficult to manage with each passing day. i thought it was supposed to get easier as you understand them more each day, but that doesnt seem to be the case for me!

the most challenging thing now is getting her to sleep. we have to rock, cuddle, walk until she sleeps n 5 min after we lay her down in her cot, she's up again! what do i have to do to get her to sleep on her own?!? she's whining again now as i blog this, so i have to go....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

double bonus!

here are 2 videos of emma - one of her cooing and the other where she has discovered her fingers and happily munching on them... i just cant get her to take the pacifier and i'm really hoping this doesnt become a bad habit!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

gym membership

emma is now a member of the tiny love gym that gor gor used to frequent :)

bouncy bouncy

we finally got emma a bouncer. it was a good deal cos it was on offer at $60 (UP was $170 - i wonder which goondu would buy it at that price?!?)

anyway thank goodnees she likes it. we can now put her in it when she's awake and she'll be pretty entertained. it's got a wonderful vibration mode too - so when she starts to lose interest in the other gizmos on it and starts to whine, we activate the vibration! and she immediately quietens down again :) but we gotta go stock up on D size batteries, at the rate she's going! honestly, fisher price should build a model that comes with a power adaptor u can connect to the mains :P

Monday, March 10, 2008


i've often been told (by the older folks that is) that there are some things u cant say in front of a baby, for eg, that they've put on weight or how well-behaved they are, or they will just stop doing that.

i never really believed it cos it sounds like old wives' tales right? i mean, where's the scientific reason in that?!

well then, last nite emma proved that it may very well be true what i've been told, cos the moment i said "altho she is extremely difficult during the day, at least she sleeps well during the nite and i can get a break", she goes and wakes up 3 times last nite. sigh. PLEEEEEEASE dont let this happen again tonite!

i really just ought to zip my mouth sometimes and listen to well-meaning folks and their logic-defying tales.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

brave little one

emma had her 2-mth old immunisation today. she took 2 jabs - 1 on each thigh - and an oral dose too.

i was surprised by how little she cried - probably less than a min for each jab. this is in stark contrast to her brother who screamed the house down when he took his shots back then. she sure is a brave little girl :) smart too, cos for the oral dose, it tasted so bad that she spat most of it out, and the nurse had to go get another dose of the medication cos she said emma didnt take enough from the first dose! she actually gave credit to emma for being such a smart little baby to spit that much out hee hee

anyway crossing my fingers and toes now that emma will be like her brother - and not develop any fever or other side effects from the vaccinations...

ps: yeah i know i've used this photo in my previous post, but i like it so much i just had to re-use it again!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

photo taking

realised i havent been taking many photos of emma. now i know why i couldnt find any photos of when i was baby (i was the 4th kiddo in the family u see). it really does get increasingly difficult with each kid!


emma doesnt have the luxury of having a full-sized cot the way ethan had when he was a baby. cos our masterbedroom here is simply too small to squeeze a baby cot in! the only thing we could manage was a moses basket. poor gal huh?

anyway when she's awake and we want her to get some 'stimulation', we'll put her in ethan's cot and fix the tiny love mobile on, so at least she wont be staring blankly into space. this makes us feel better cos:

1. she gets the same kind of 'education' ethan had when he was a newborn too
2. we get more mileage out of that silly tiny love mobile which, in hindsight, i think we definitely overpaid for!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2 mth health check

we just got back from the maternal & child health nurse's. glad to report that emma's on track on all fronts!
  • weight = 5.85kg
  • height = 57cm
  • head circumference = 40cm
plotting all these on the chart, she's definitely a healthy baby on the 50th percentile in all aspects (slightly above for the weight tho - heavy bones!). so what if she latches on for only 5 min or drives me nuts with her 6 hr refuse-to-sleep-properly marathon? as long as she's still growing healthily, we have nothing to worry about (except my own sanity lah :P )

i cant believe she's already starting to outgrow some of her rompers. i think she can easily wear one new outfit a day and we still wont have enough time to go thro them all! please stop me from buying any more clothes for her... altho i havent even really been buying much, cos like 90% of her clothes were given to us - can u imagine how much we've saved?!?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

going mad...

i am. not emma.

she's really driven me nuts this evening. all the way from 6pm till now, she's been taking 5 - 15min naps! that's a total of about 5 hrs that i have been carrying her, feeding her, patting her, rocking her, etc... she sleeps, i put her down in her cot. and a maximum of 15 min later, she'll be up again whining/crying. it's a vicious cycle.

it's definitely taking a toll on my sanity... i pray these episodes are far and few between.